USA is not America

Indeed, U.S.A. is not America!

America is the name of a whole continent. United States of America means that the United States belongs to America and NOT that America belongs to the United States. So, next time you want to refer to The United States of America, you can do it as U.S. or the States or whatever you want but not as only America. Gotcha?


How should I use the term America then?

Here we will show you some wrong and correct uses of the term America:

  • This is how we do it in America.
  • This is how we do it in the States.
  • America is my country and I love it.
  • The United States is my country and I love it.
  • America lost the Vietnam war.
  • U.S.A. lost the Vietnam war.
  • Here in America we love Mc Donald's.
  • Here in the U.S. we love Mc Donald's.

Please, note that this page in not about demonyms (gentilics) but about the way to call a country.

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Comments (1253)


Fabian, you are also entitled to create a Hollywood like industry in Argentina to brainwash people alike. However, it will take you many decades, and now it is complex because the US has taken that throne. They mastered their approaches when broadcasted a worldwide fantasy short [live?] film about going to the moon.


Considering that the major dictionaries of the English language (Cambridge and Merriam-Webster) admit that "American" still maintains the continental meaning as well as a sense of US nationality, I say this. A country called "The United States of America", not America or the United States, its name cannot be American or United Statian, it must contain ALL parts of its name, "United" (U), "States" (S) and "America" ​​(American) = Usamerican


You are entitled to your opinion that it must. Billions of people are entitled to their opinion that it must not. We will all continue to use words as we see fit.


this is what happens when one country wants to appropriate the name of a continent, offending 30+ countries...

U.S. plummets (


Hmm US publication?


So you hate everything from the US except all the stuff you love and consume in massive quantities? Makes perfect sense.


Made in China, then labeled as US. Hahahahah


I am really surprised by the amount of people celebrating this morning about Trump getting coronavirus. Oh boy, so many don't like what the US has become. They just don't say it.


You are surprised that a lot of people don’t like Trump? Have you been living under a rock for at least the last five years? Your ignorance is amazing.


Fabián wrote:

In English there are several countries that have two demonyms, such as Denmark, Danish and Dane, also Argentina, Argentinian and Argentine (this second should be used only for things but many use it for people anyway).

This is incorrect. Demonyms are nouns. ‘Dane’ is a noun and refers to a person from Denmark. ‘Danish’ is the adjectival form. ‘Danish’ is not usually a noun, unless it is referring to a type of pastry or the language of Denmark. Often in English the demonym and the adjectival form are the same. For example, Mexican and Mexican; Ethiopian and Ethiopian; and Brazilian and Brazilian. Sometimes the demonym and the adjectival form are different. For example, Englishman and English; Frenchman and French; Spaniard and Spanish; and Dane and Danish.


‘Argentine’, ‘Argentinian’, and ‘Argentinean’ can all be used as demonyms in English. They can all be used as adjectives as well. ‘Argentine’ and ‘Argentinian’ are more common than ‘Argentinean’. It is simply not true that ‘Argentine’ “...should be used only for things...”.

Fabián, please get your facts straight before posting. I don’t appreciate you wasting our time with your falsehoods. Please do us the courtesy of doing some basic research before posting. You better watch yourself. If you keep this up, I will have to place you in the same BS category as Mrs. Anonymous and Michael E. You have been warned. Thanks.


Similarly, in English, United Statian is an adjective and is also a noun. Both can be used.


Juan/Mrs. Anonymous x 7.


Look at the big brain on Juan. They said he could only report the number of upvotes and downvotes. But no, he’s branched out to piggybacking on other’s posts. No new material from him, but he’s giving us more than we ever thought he was capable of. We must applaud his special effort. He’ll be cogitating at a kindergarten level any day now. Keep up the amazing work. 5 gold stars for him!


David nene XOXO


Juan/Mrs. Anonymous x 12.


Be very careful with Dakid, Mr. Fabian. Being in the list of such dishonest is humiliating and will destroy your future. You will be blocked from having business with the US, you will appear in fake news, your company may go bankrupt, and will lose access to credit. No other country will want to deal with you, since the coming bribery will be dominant. Watch out.


Believe everything that Pelotudo tells you about bribery. Latin Americans are experts in bribery and corruption. Bribery and corruption are the sine qua non of Latin American government and business. Trump has a lot to learn from such experts.


Hey americano, métete a la guerra para que sobornes a alto nivel como Estados Unidos. Si no te alcanza imprimes más y listo


No le des mal ejemplo al pelotudo!! jajaja que después se toma en serio el ejemplo de soborno de Estados Unidos a Brazil por miedo a Huawei


Fabian, what are the demonyms for citizens of 1. Europe, 2. Asia, 3. America, 4. Oceania, 5. Africa?

Mrs. Anonymoussays...

David, why do you accept a one continent named America and yet you call it "The Americas"? And how did the continent go from America to The Americas? you seem to know quite a bit, but somehow you are avoiding this question. It is a very simple question.

University of Delaware(United States)says...

...areas of overlooked portions of history. Diversifying United Statian public history to reflect the United Statian’s diverse population will lead to an equalizing of representation and a constant conversation about how historical narratives are appreciated, hidden, and disseminated to the public.

- Entombed Voices - The Construction of Established Histories, Francis Mahon, Delaware, Spring 2018


A measure of the prevalence of ‘United Statian’:

The prevalence of ‘United Statian’ compared to three uncommon words that I chose at random:

Thanks for playing.


A century of United Statian, eh? My God worth a million loonies


‘Noctilucent’ is much more commonly used than ‘United Statian’. Please use your amazing Google skills to repeatedly post instances of its use. It will be just as useful as your current posts. It’s all that you’re good for anyway. Thanks.


Great link David, you're the best


Thanks for the confirmation that the term is extremely rare.


what is written in the States is amplified by the eminent technological-military strategical-imperial role of the usa in the world. A mediocre united-statian writer might be much better known than a very talented Polish or Czech one.



Mrs. Anonymoussays...

David, for like the fourth time and again back to my question, how did America the continent changed to The Americas? And why do you accept that the continent's name is America, yet you call it The Americas? Very simple question to answer.


A conceptualization about America that I found interesting is that of the Germans (whose country is actually called Deutsland), they speak of the "double continent", and that seems quite appropriate, because although it agrees with America as a single continent, the truth I always saw it as something double, but not so much as to see two totally different continents

Mrs. Anonymoussays...

If you see two continents, which of those two continents do you think Central America would be located in? I m from Central America and I have never thought myself as a North American. I believe noone in Central America believes or thinks they are also North American.


Centroamérica está en el centro de América! UNIENDO América del Sur y América del Norte, aunque en el sistema geográfico de los países de habla inglesa y otros también, Centroamérica lo ponen -geológicamente- dentro de América del Norte pero igual con cierta autonomía de existencia, con lo cual no tienen porque estar obligados a decirse "norteamericanos" sino "centroamericanos".

Mrs. Anonymoussays...

Los Centroamericanos no somos Norteamericanos porque no creemos en la idea de dos continentes. Los EEUU nos llama centroamericanos cuando les parece conveniente y agrega a centro america como parte de Norte America cuando le conviene. O es uno o es lo otro pero no los dos y lo que va es que Centro America es el centro de America como vos decis. Norte America es una subregion de America al igual como Centro America y Sud America.


Hubo un tiempo en que eran dos los países americanos que tenían en su nombre la palabra "América", Los Estados Unidos de América y la República Federal de Centro América, que incluso llegó a tener un nombre y bandera como la de Argentina (que en esos tiempos se llamaba Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata) en homenaje por la participación argentina en su liberación de los españoles, las "Provincias Unidas del Centro de América" y su bandera igual a la argentina pero con el escudo de aquella desaparecida república, que luego se dividió en Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador y Costa Rica.

Michael E.says...

Fabián, tu dices ser americano, pero te compartas como un estadounidense, apoyando todo lo que se inventan. ¿Por qué no mejor te callas? Metes mucho la pata o juegas de camaleón.

Michael E.says...

Nadie ajeno puede decirte cómo tu país o territorio se llama. Nadie puede tomar nuestro nombre ni ponernos sobrenombres. Sólo pueden engañar a nuevas generaciones e incultos con medios de entretenimiento como televisión y comunicación parcializada. Mucho irrespeto.


¿quien mierda te nombró a vos juez moral de quien puede opinar o no acá?!!! Además si no piensan como vos ¡¿son incultos y bobos?! ¡¡¿quien mierda te crees que sos?!! Al final no sos mejor que David!! ¡¡SON IGUALES!!


David, chico qué pasó con tu amiga aquí? ¿Por qué las estadounidenses no respetan?

Noticia del día

Mrs. Anonymoussays...

David back to my question, how did America the continent changed to The Americas? And why do you accept that the continent's name is America, yet you call it The Americas? Very simple question to answer.

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Let the world know that USA should not be called America! America is one whole continent.